
On my services
I have been working with Alain-Yan Mohr for years, and he has designed several websites at my request. His ability to listen to my needs, his creativity, his availability and his computer knowledge make him a valuable partner. At any time, it is possible to formulate a question and you will have in return a reflection which will enable you to make the good decisions.
Today, few people understand your values and especially know how to translate them into concrete actions, without any detours.
So if you need quality work, you will never be disappointed.
Alain Dupont
I would say simply magical!
Thank you Alain-Yan for your efficiency in understanding my desires and expectations. I now have a website that I like and that is so easy to manage.
I finally feel independent and soon, thanks to you, I will say that computers are easy!
Thank you for your patience and your energy!
Géraldine Fasnacht
Alain-Yan: available, listening, efficient, aesthetic
The best to entrust him the creation of a website!
With my thanks and friendship,
Odette La Du Paul
I met Alain Yan for the creation of my website in 2007. There are important meetings in life. The meeting with Alain-Yan is one of them.
He knew how to understand my aesthetic and practical requirements, my desire to create, my playful and attractive side, and how to highlight my many jobs, my paradoxes and my passions. Alain-yan is a pedagogue and has also been able to train me, which is essential! I can regularly use the site as I wish. Always open in thought and practice, with him, problems quickly find solutions. And his humanistic listening skills are well matched with his technical sense. A "Humanist Geek", that's rare! Optimistic and open to the world, his professionalism and his sense of friendship make him not only someone I can work with but also a friend.
So navigating with him on this virtual world does not prevent us from creating a real human relationship.
Pascale Rocard
Convinced that I had missed the "internet" turn, I thought I had definitely been removed from this communication "paradise". And that's where you came in, Alain-Yan! You told me "we" were going to do it, ... not "you" ... nor "I" ...
but ... WE ... Of course I thank you for your talents as a creator, as a technician, but also for something else: you came to look for me with patience, you invited me to clarify myself, to dare, to put my heart, my dreams ... until my site resembles me, until it has a soul...
All my admiration for your guidance as a facilitator and my gratitude for your enthusiasm and availability.
Manuela Pointet
The development of our institution's website www.bellerive.ch was carried out by Alain-Yan Mohr, who did a job that we are extremely satisfied with and that has earned us many congratulations from our user clients and partners. I would like to highlight Alain-Yan's professionalism, his availability and the quality of his suggestions to make our site attractive and user-friendly. And I must also underline his patience with neophytes like me...
For those of you who want to develop a website at very interesting conditions, I can only recommend you to contact Alain-Yan who is a person as engaging as he is competent.
Ph. Maire, directeur de La Résidence Bellerive
When I wanted to update my site, Alain Yan was clear: "This is an opportunity to rethink your business in depth, to clarify what you really want," in short, not an easy task, but it was really worth it, because I embarked on a deep and healthy reflection. A birth that was not painful, judge for yourself: as I live far away from Nendaz, the days of setting up, I had the joy to be hosted in the eagle nest of this web Apache (with a sharp but benevolent eye!) and fed by his adorable Barbara, exceptional cook. And then, what an "after-sales service"! Always nice on the phone when you ask for a modification, with a Sioux-like smiling patience. In short, a real pleasure for a result very appreciated by my subscribers. "A clearer, more visible site, easier to navigate" I was told. So, thank you, thank you, thank you to Alain-Yan and his little team of mountain Indians!
Christine Ley
Gastronomy is an art that would have been very difficult for me to portray and transmit via the internet to ordinary users if I hadn't had the chance to meet Alain-Yan.
Together we have succeeded in developing a site which, according to many users, manages to make them salivate while exciting their pupils, which is in fact a very important step because, afterwards, it is this that will lead them to satisfy their taste buds by buying our products.
Of course, none of this would have been easy without Alain-Yan's dedication to perfection and his skills, which lived up to our expectations: they were enormous. It goes without saying that his boundless professionalism, knowledge and experience, combined with his good-natured cooperation, made things delightfully pleasant and productive.
François Dujourd'hui, Cibo Vinum Import
The time of a Tic-Tac and a heartbeat: BOUM! The request that we had just begun to formulate and imagine (the time to come down from its eagle's nest...) is found vibrant with colors and beautiful images on our emails "Here, is this convenient for you?" ... it's Alain-Yan... already there!!!
So dear Alain-Yan, I've been visiting your site for years now, thinking "What's he been writing about????" and sometimes laughing out loud...
So I went to the character of my site without really knowing "Who" was making all this live (and who was thus demystifying sometimes our reality...)...?
I found a heart and open arms, a kind and attentive listening, an immediate understanding, and a formatting, in words and images, of an astonishing efficiency and rapidity, all this in a warm welcome.
Alain-Yan has indeed the amazing ability to grasp and transcribe in a short time what you can't formulate!
A big thank you for the work you did for me, it took the form of a real work in black ;-)
A big thank you also for the training that you offer in an impeccable after-sales service: to become in our turn holders of a knowledge to modify our articles as we wish, thank you for offering us these keys too.
It is reassuring to know that in the high and beautiful mountains of the Valais, someone has the distance, the humor and the love necessary to suspend time and offer the best of himself. Thank you for your patience and availability.
With my best wishes for you,
Isabelle Mancini
Alain-Yan is the designer of my website... In fact, he has many other tools and a solid experience of the spiritual world. The first time I contacted him to attend one of his seminars, he answered that he didn't think I fit the profile of the people he could help... Well... what else could I say?
A few years later, when I was thinking of redoing my site, I remembered his integrity and called him back... phew! This time, I seemed to have evolved enough.
He made my site without ever writing or wanting a word for me. He acted as a container both in the structure of the site and in the energetic emergence of what was being born in me, helping me to clarify what needed to be clarified.
This is my site. I recognize myself in every detail. I can't think of a better compliment to give it... Thank you, Alain-Yan, from the bottom of my heart.
Olivia Renasco
Thank you dear Alain-Yan, not only for a site that corresponds exactly to what I wanted at a price without competition, but also for the deeply friendly bond that we have built and the richness of our exchanges. Thank you for your patience with a rare specimen of homo informaticus neanderthalis and especially for the certainty of knowing that I will always be welcomed if I need a hand.
Pierre Pradervand
I created my company during this summer and I was looking for someone to make a valuable and quality website. A very good friend of mine, Geraldine, recommended Alain-Yan to me. A very good advice.
I called him one morning to ask him if he had time for me. We met to talk about what I wanted in relation to my old personal manufacturing site.
I gave him carte blanche; in a few days, he created a great site, easy to use and manage.
Frankly I am not disappointed. The training to be able to manage your own site was very clear and if you have a problem, you get an answer very quickly.
Thank you Alain-Yan, I am very proud of my site, glad to have known you and I really appreciate your assistance.
Jérôme Michel, Rêve de Cimes
On my artistic activities
Many of these testimonials relate to exhibitions and installations I've produced under my artist name in Second Life over the last two decades.
The art of Ambre Singh is first and foremost a look at our worlds and our daily lives ... but a look offbeat, sharp, full of humor and humanity that questions us and relativizes us. Her work is like a surrealist report, always funny, tender and poetic. She puts our realities in the abyss. She lightly asks essential questions about our humanity with a perfect mastery of photographic tools. She plays with the senses that she diverts with finesse. Hidden in her work is a contained anger, a silent revolt that pushes us to question ourselves, but with a tenderness in our heart and a smile on our lips. Filled with hope that we are fundamentally good.
You have more fantasy in your little finger than I have in my entire body. I am serious!
Alurcha Niekerk
In a sea of predictability, your work is art.
Viridios Morningstar
Beautiful, creative, naughty, hilarious. A unique voice with something to say.
TT Looming
You must know that you have certainly brought thousands of laughs, smiles and emotions, and that is a precious prodigy that will haunt many minds for a long time to come. Thank you for all that you have offered and so kindly shared with us!
Mam'zelle Paulette
Your art is really mindblowing. It made me realise/embrace our importance as girls in the society. Our hability to give ourselves, to accept and feel our being is what make the world good. Thank you.
Alice Duarte
What can I say by someone who has seen a ton... a metric ton (I'm Canadian) of art but the highest compliment - this is unique.
Ambre is one of the most creative person I know. She explores Second Life with a very original approach. Her stream is a mix of poetry, craziness, fun and eroticism ... If you think you have seen everything, just spend some time browsing her pictures and you are in for big surprises! Well done Ambre, please continue to make us smile and laugh!
Cathy Palen