
In all history, humanity has probably never been faced with such great challenges.
Ecological, political, social, demographic, migratory and economic crises, armed conflicts, the indiscriminate development of technology and the breakdown of communities are surface tremors caused by a much deeper earthquake: the end of our understanding of ourselves and the universe.
Our sense of existence, our languages and therefore our ways of thinking, our belief systems, our behaviour, our relationships with others and with all living things, are all contained in a vast narrative bubble. We have no idea what is going on or who we are outside the bubble - outside our concepts. We only know what we know.
Metaphorically speaking, this bubble is a huge chrysalis, and humanity feels ever more cramped inside, suffocating in its caterpillar condition.
For the moment, only a few courageous voices are daring to say that the chrysalis is cracking all over, that it will soon be torn apart and we will find ourselves naked in the unknown.
The historical elites (those power-hungry aspects of ourselves) are convinced that the chrysalis belongs to them. They know it's about to burst. But above all, they know why it's going to blow: it's made up of narrative fibres - woven from the stories we agree to believe. As we believe less and less, the fibres disintegrate.
The so-called owners of the chrysalis are up in arms: what can they do to delay the inevitable tear? Reinforce the stories, of course, to the point of caricature if necessary! By all means, force people to continue believing them.
The elites' rescue plan is unfolding before our very eyes on a daily basis: a global campaign to plug the gaps, the primary objective of which is to perpetuate the historical worldview. With a formidable arsenal: the media. Anything goes to patch up the known: escalating conflicts, media and health dumbing down, bio-terrorism, omnipresent control, confusion of values and genders... In short, look around you.
Despite all these stratagems, the chrysalis continues to disintegrate. The signs that the cocoon is malfunctioning are multiplying. History is making us sick, mentally and physically. If we're lucky enough to live in the right places, we're reduced to looking for or keeping absurd jobs to survive in our connected homes and electrified cars, with our only consolations being our TV series, our Facebook likes, the wait for the next iPhone and the hope of effective vaccines.
Humanity is suffocating and dying in this narrative bubble, and it can't go on like this.
We are at the dawn of a veritable metamorphosis.

And how are you living this adventure?
If you realise that the crises and absurdities of our times herald the break-up of the chrysalis of the known, what posture are you adopting, within yourself and in your relationship with others and the world at large?
It's like walking a tightrope, isn't it? Ceasing to believe the lies of the authorities and their outdated vision of the world, ceasing to take seriously the pseudo caterpilar-at-the-end-of-its-rope problems of the people around us, refusing to enter into debilitating dialectics - are you for or against (...)? - and yet cultivate an open and caring mindset.

In a world obsessed with materiality, this may seem derisory, and yet: the most important act you can take is to stop believing and obeying the definitions of the world imposed within the chrysalis. This outdated historical bubble is only kept alive by your attention, it sucks the sap from your spirit.

The narrative bubble in which we wade causes hallucinations and is highly addictive. Thousands of years of lies don't just go away.
Detaching oneself from the dogmas of history is a real detox, and one that needs to be undertaken with a great deal of kindness.

To emancipate yourself from the diktats of the chrysalis, you must first realise that human history is a long saga of parasitism. That's the first step; if you stay there too long, you resume an active role in the chrysalis, as a conspirator. Remember, the aim is not to criticise history, but to get out of it.

Nowadays, it seems normal to ask an artificial intelligence to answer the mail or turn up the heating, but the idea of collaborating with an intelligent and benevolent universe seems insane. When you're trying to emerge from the chrysalis, think about asking the cosmos for a helping hand - it'll be happy to help you.

Need some help?
For the moment, there is no specific method for freeing oneself from a historical bubble that goes back thousands of years. Some avatars have offered valuable advice, but these were quickly corrupted by the religions they inspired. Awakening is essentially an individual undertaking, an inner experience.
That said, the current period generates a great deal of confusion and uncertainty. If you're feeling confused or overwhelmed and you're struggling to find your way out, let's talk about it in informal sessions where I can offer you
- an outside perspective to help you better assess your situation and avoid getting lost in the labyrinth of your own projections,
- to explore, update and broaden the frames of reference from which you assess your situation,
- to go in search of the invisible evidence that governs your thoughts, emotions and actions,
- to clarify the levels of consciousness that coexist within you, so that you can better re-order their respective needs
- and other facets that are unique to you and that you wish to share.
In short, to be your interlocutor on your journey back to holiness of spirit.
Conditions and process
A free, no-obligation initial meeting allows us to get to know each other and decide whether we want to work together.
As the economy is still functional, these interviews are paid for, with conditions that can be adapted according to the situation.
These interviews require a good dose of curiosity, persistence, vigilance and, above all, a sense of humour.
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