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Publications and translations

I sometimes write, and sometimes translate from English, treasures that don't exist in French. 

Breaches in time, a novel

Comfortably installed in his office, the psychiatric doctor Sigmund Afraid receives his clients: Mr. Proffe, Archibald de Cresus, a senior executive, Josh Winner, a business consultant, Isabelle Fineart, an artist, Francis de Pluto-Crassy, the Great Protector of Arts and Culture, Jennifer Tinysweater, a social worker, Hector Bigot, an acorn-faced priest.

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French Translation: The Careless Society

Among all the writing about community impoverishment in the United States today, here is a book that highlights the ability of local communities to heal from within. Neglectful Society shows how competent communities have been invaded, captured and colonized by professional services.

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French Translation: The Lol2a Principle

One day, Barbara arrived with a German book with a curious title: Das LOLA Prinzip (The LOLA Principle.)
As she read it, I heard her exclamations of all colors, interspersed with pauses where she told me passages from the book.
We found it so excellent that we decided to go on a great adventure: translate it into French.

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French Translation: The Awakening Earth

Ce livre est stimulant. Il remet en question la vision traditionnelle que l'on a de nous-mêmes et de notre place dans l'Univers. Dans le prolongement de James Lovelock, et de son hypothèse GAIA, Peter Russel nous invite à considérer la Terre comme un organisme collectif et vivant à part entière, doté de capacités d'auto-régulation (...)

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Waking up

iconeartbottomThe world is a madhouse, it's encouraging. 

Breaking the spell
Step out of history
Aptitude testConsultancy

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Alain-Yan Mohr

376 rte de Nendaz
1996 Basse-Nendaz
Tel: +41 (0)79 445 4056
Email : alainyanmohr @

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