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Isabelle tells

We are still on Earth, in 2057. Many things have changed. It would take some effort to recognize the landscape, and you would be amazed by the new light emanating from nature. Yet your greatest amazement would come from the psychology of the people. It has changed, irrevocably. 

Fortunately, Isabel, a little girl from the next century, decided to give us some insights into this new humanity; she wanted to explain how the whole situation has changed. 


The first ray of morning sunlight comes through the window, creeps up the comforter and puts a spot of light on Isabel's face. She smiles at this caress: the sun invites her to join the world of solid things. After a last mischievous glance at her dreamy friends, she gathers her ideas, her impressions, and prepares her passage. Like all children, she loves this moment when the universe changes texture, when she dresses in a solid body to play with life. This passage is one of her favorite games, a slide between dimensions. She lets go, the slide begins. And ends in her bed, by a crystalline burst of laughter.

She stretches, enjoying the soft contact of the sheets on her body, then gets up. She opens the door, takes a few steps in the grass which borders the house, and drinks in the impressions of the day. The breeze brings her the news of the night: the mother fox had her cubs, the first narcissus broke through and it rained on the mountainside. She takes a few more steps, and the dew that rolls on her feet finishes waking her up. She crosses the threshold of the house, crosses the sunny hall and jumps under the shower. The contact of the water on her skin always gives her as much pleasure. She bends, twists and tries to offer the whole surface of her body to the caress of the liquid element. She plays with the water, encourages it and thanks it for its presence. Then she dries herself, gets dressed, goes to the kitchen, kisses her mother and asks her, "Will you go to school this morning?" Smiling, nodding, "Yes, of course! See you later!" Isabelle picks an apple as she passes and returns a smile, "Yes, see you later!" She goes back through the door and walks away into the fields.

Arrived at the edge of the wood, she stops, and tends the ear. Her gaze jumps from bush to bush, passes over a pile of leaves and roots, and stops: "I saw you! Come out!" She runs to the pile of leaves and a sillouette the size of Isabel appears. It is a small green being, surrounded by a soft light, also green. They fall into each other's arms laughing, collapse into the pile of leaves, get up giggling and start walking with a determined air. On the way, they tell each other the latest news: the life of the village, the gossip of the life of the woods, the recent arguments between the owl and the squirrels of the big oak. Finally, they arrive at the big oak, and make themselves comfortable on a bed of moss, between its roots. "Good morning, big oak, what are you going to tell us about today?""This morning," the big oak replies, "I'm going to tell you how the dragonflies dreamed their existence so well that they became alive."

The story of the big oak finished, Isabelle leaves her friends of the forest and continues her way. That morning, she made a detour to the pond, to greet the dragonflies and congratulate them on their success. She waded at the edge of the water, enjoying the feeling of the mud sliding between her toes. Then she cuts through the meadows, plays hide-and-seek with the hare, and finally arrives in front of a building decorated with flowers, sculptures and paintings, shaded by chestnut trees: the school. The yard is empty. "Everyone is already settled", she notes. Jumping on imaginary images, she enters the classroom.

In the room, about thirty people, whose ages range from eighteen to eighty-two, are chatting happily, reading or drawing. Isabel is greeted by a welcoming concert. She sits down on a footstool in the middle of the audience, smiles at everyone, and invites the class to reflect for a few minutes. Gradually, the atmosphere becomes serene and vibrant at the same time. Isabel gently breaks the silence: "This morning we will continue to explore the nature of reality. I will ask you to avoid relying on what you have learned. As you know, only twenty years ago, education consisted of stuffing the individual with ready-made ideas about the world, imprisoning his or her conscience in senseless and unhealthy dogmas. The person was trained to be useful, productive and obedient. The older among you have gone through this terrible experience, and we all still bear traces of it. That is why I want each of us to awaken the child in us now. This afternoon we will go dancing with the otters and badgers, but for now I would like everyone to tell their stories of the night..."

The class has begun...


Isabel smiles at the group, then continues:

"How many of you have flown recently? In history, when time was still perceived in a linear fashion, an elder named Chesterton said, "If angels fly, it is because they take themselves lightly." "I believe that the fundamental nature of the magician is pleasure." She laughs, waves her arms, and soars across the room, "Beauty, connection, and ecstasy in conscious participation in the constant wonders of creation." She falls back onto the footstool. "Hi hi, that one I learned from the raven. Of course, every game has certain rules. But if you take the rules too seriously, you forget the game. And that's a real shame. "

"But we still need a little practice to reach that state!" interjects a middle-aged woman dressed in a rainbow jumpsuit.

"Come on, Granny, every time you say the word practice, your aura darkens!" Isabel blows in her direction, and the dark auric energies take the form of a little frog jumping out the window. "Let me remind you of some things... In historical times, the linear perception of time induced a subtle but pernicious alteration of understanding: even magicians tended to think of themselves as 'fixers of problems', because everyone was convinced that there were things in the world that needed to be fixed, things to be made better. People thought that if they worked and practiced hard enough, they would become better. Hi hi hi! What a joke! God does not play carrot and stick with humans. The universe is perfect, just like that - and so are you!"

"But then, what was that about critical mass?" asks a man sitting in the second row.

"Uncle Joe, I know you love that story about Deepak and the hundredth monkey! It's a very nice tale, but it only works under linear time conditions. I'd say if you only allowed yourself 80% joy, you'd end up with 20% desires to correct conditions. This critical mass thing comes back to the same thing: before you came up with this idea, you had to consider the conditions as unsatisfactory. Remember, dissatisfaction is never outside of yourself..." She laughs again, "Also, it's not a very nice expression: critical mass... I would prefer something like Collective Appreciation. But now let's go swim with the otters! "


The little girl continued, as the group sat by the pond:

"The otters give us a splendid example, just like the dolphins. They play all the time. During historical times, especially towards the end, most people had become so serious that they had become sick of themselves. In fact, the ideas they had about themselves made them sick. That's why civilization stopped so suddenly. Too many medical expenses..."

"Tell us again how it all went down - I love that story!" exclaims a blonde woman, while stroking an otter settled on her leg. The others approve loudly, and a few animals bark and growl their assent.

"Yes! Good idea, Isabel! Although I wonder what form it will take today... Every time you tell the story of the change, it's another version" adds another man with a smile that splits his face to the ears.

Isabel returns the smile:

"It's always another story, because it was a multidimensional event. It's the same transformation, but it happened in so many ways... But this time I'm going to tell you the real story. I even took a picture!

To begin, I need to explain a little bit about what the world looked like. In those days, most people believed in what was called the scientific worldview - they believed that only what they could touch or see through their microscopes existed. And -" Isabel has to stop, interrupted by the laughter of otters, crows and dogs. When calm returns, she continues, "And during this time of spiritual misery, strange things happened - strange for the official viewpoint of the time. In a very short time, more and more people became interested in the spirit. But you know this story, and how the Internet accelerated the whole process.

What is even more interesting is that during the last decade of the twentieth century and even during the first years of the third millennium, gradually, children did not accept to close themselves to the higher dimensions of reality. They saw auras, they remembered past or parallel lives, they saw the spirits of nature, like all children in history, but these powers did not disappear in their adolescence. (**) And one day, there was an avalanche of bad news on TV, so they found themselves in their light bodies, and they made a circle all around the planet. They started to sing, with all their joy, the famous Queens song: This could be heaven for everyone. (This could be heaven for everyone.) The energy was so beautiful that it created powerful waves of love, very intentional. Suddenly everyone woke up. And that's when this fantastic, crazy thing happened. People were in Heaven, splashy, like this. It was a shock, but a big shock. The first real deliverance in history. Still, some of them cried out, "Hey, I'm not ready for Heaven - I've got plenty of other things to do!" The children replied, "No problem, there's plenty of room in the universe. Just tell us what you want, and we'll give you a free trip to the most appropriate planet. But as of now, here is Heaven on Earth. "

Many people decided to stay on Earth to live in Heaven, but a number decided to leave. That's when I took the picture. Did you like the real story? "

Everyone showed their joy and shouted and laughed.

** I'm not kidding: I recently saw an article in a magazine about parents and teachers feeling helpless and powerless in the face of "abnormality.


The first part of the story recreated in Second Life:

Isabel story Big Page1

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Isabel story Big Page1


Waking up

iconeartbottomThe world is a madhouse, it's encouraging. 

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Alain-Yan Mohr

376 rte de Nendaz
1996 Basse-Nendaz
Tel: +41 (0)79 445 4056
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