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Thanks again, Franco...

A few days ago, Franco Batiatto went to the other side of things.
Here is an image in his honor, inspired by his clip for the song Testamento.

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Mommy! Daddy! You did the vaccine!

Human arrogance is reaching new heights. For billions of years, Life has evolved throughout the universe, guided by an Intelligence that is beyond our capacity to understand. In our lost suburb of the Milky Way, we bipeds barely reached self-awareness declare war on Life (in its viral form) and think we'll get away with it. Hm.

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We rise to play a greater part

Many artists touch me, but none quite like Leonard Cohen. In his entire discography, not a single track leaves me indifferent. This man is an angel who has come to Earth to bring balm to the human heart. And his works are timeless.

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A caricature of planetary scale

A Danish editor publishes various cartoons of Mohammed to boost his sales and excite the public. And of course, the followers of the prophet feel abused, sullied, violated in their beliefs.
They demonstrate, shout, scream, inveigh, threaten, offended by such obscenity.

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Already springtime...

We just started 2014 and it's already springtime....

Time is not what it used to be.

Mass immigration

The day after the UDC's initiative against mass immigration was accepted, many voices were raised in Switzerland, fearing its negative consequences on the economy and our relations with the European Union.

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Perspectives on US debt

The US debt put in perspective... I don't know where the original English version came from (thanks Ray!), but it confirms that a picture is better than 1000 words.

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Adopt a rat, demine Africa...

There are currently 66 countries and 7 territories around the world that are affected by anti-personnel mines or explosives left over from past wars. Communities living in these areas depend on outside expertise to solve the complex problem of mine detection and clearance of these suspect areas. Mine detection is difficult, dangerous, costly and time consuming.

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The annual visit

– Darling, what are you doing? How many times should I tell you that you cannot go out naked! What will the neighbours say?
– The neighbours love it, we already talked about that at length. But I’m not making a show for the immediate neighbourhood.

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A wise old man was sleeping at the bottom of the river

I was walking at the bottom of the Nendaz valley. The dogs were gambolling happily and running after the pieces of wood that were flying here and there. The path went along the river, the water glistened with a thousand changing reflections, caressing the red pebbles in its bed, typical of this iron-rich region.

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Loss of identity...

After years of war and senseless occupation of Iraq, we learn that Poland and Great Britain will withdraw their troops and that, following the Democratic victory at the beginning of the month in the USA, the United States also seems to be preparing its exit. The situation is no happier in Israel and Palestine. Or elsewhere, closer to home, in our so-called civilized nations.

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Epidemic of propaganda

And here it is: the virus is released in the media: the avian flu is coming. Hysteria is running high.

So far, since 2003, there have been 100 cases of bird flu caused by the H5N1 virus worldwide, 60 of which have resulted in death. A number infinitely lower than the number of deaths caused by flower pots falling from windowsills during the same period.

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The end of the world will not happen

Against all odds, the long-awaited and much-feared end of the world on the planet Terra in the Sol system has been cancelled, reported Archangelical Inc. chief executive Dr. A. Michael. This announcement was immediately followed by an outraged statement from the Lucifer Global Media Network, which had recently acquired the universal broadcast rights to the event.

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Russian dolls

The most trancendental realizations always appear where we least expect them.

I was listening to the evening news, oil prices going up, attacks in Baghdad, free fall of Swiss airlines, and so on, you know the drill, when the root cause appeared to me in a succession of animated images:

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The perverse effects of the new age

On all sides, I am asked to participate in meditations for world peace. With each new crisis - China, Kosovo, Palestine, Guatemala, Iraq, etc. - my email and mail are overflowing with calls for global meditations. - my email and mail are overflowing with calls for global meditations. 

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About a shameful flyer

The brochure of the Société des Régisseurs Genevois published in the Tribune illustrates the dangers of distorted communication. According to this leaflet, the régies are doing a public service by redistributing the rents paid to them to the numerous professionals of the real estate industry: concierge, régie employee, architect, etc... This logic can be applied to any field, and justify anything. 

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Waking up

iconeartbottomThe world is a madhouse, it's encouraging. 

Breaking the spell
Step out of history
Aptitude testConsultancy

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Alain-Yan Mohr

376 rte de Nendaz
1996 Basse-Nendaz
Tel: +41 (0)79 445 4056
Email : alainyanmohr @

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