Ambre Singh - An artistic and virtual journey

Exhinbitions and happenings
Past masters

How would you feel if you walked into the works of the great masters of painting? When you look at them, these marvellous works of art come alive in your imagination. However, I had the unfortunate feeling that I was just a spectator of something that I couldn't experience directly.
An unbearable situation. So I found a way in: here are a few images illustrating that adventure. These works can be viewed at any time in a dedicated art gallery in the town of Noir'Wen. Also see the resources at the end.

Bouguereau, Sorry, no more whining, our offices close at 5pm.

Rembrandt, the anatomy lesson

Woman defending herself from the assaults of a false Eros

Ingres, Turkish Bath

Bouguereau, Admiration

Bouguereau, An indecent proposal

Gérôme, After the Bath

Gérôme, No thank you James, just two coffees

Leighton, She lost her password

Draper, Climate Changes

Bouguereau, Nymphs and satyre