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Ambre Singh - An artistic and virtual journey


Artistic C.V.

On my tombstone, I want this epitaph:
"Art is my soul masturbation. I do it for myself, but others can watch."
Ambre Singh


2023, Ambre and Dea read tarot, Arthouse Gallery Ufeus 

2023, Winter Moon, collective exhibition, gallery Onceagain

2023, One for the Money, Two for the Show, TAG Club, Noir'Wen

2022, Mishaps, NovaOwl Skye Gallery, NOvaOwl

2022, Aquaresses, invited for Kassiel’s exhibition, Puerto Banana

2022, The Penis Rock, collective exhibition, Onceagain gallery

2021, Breaking the spell, Commune Utopia

2021, Cancel Culture, Noir'Wen

2021, The  (...) world of Ambre Singh, Templeton Cove

2021, Titilliations, Noir’Wen

2020, Art exhibition at After club

2020,Street art in Noir'Wen

2020, Collective exhibition Phoenix Artists

2019, Loosing my religion, l'Azile

2019, Desperate (b)jobs, Noir'wen

2018, Ambre Utopias, Commune Utopia

2017, Orientalisms, Shakti Gardens

2009, Moovies, Arts Tower,  Ergo's Point

2008, Anachronisms, Arts Tower, Ergo’s Point