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Ambre Singh - An artistic and virtual journey



A selection of articles from the press, blogs and magazines about my artistic activities in Second Life. 

Art in Second Life
The Ambre Singh Gallery
Février 2021

I was invited to the opening of Ambre Singh's new gallery in Noir'Wen City. The gallery is located in a large warehouse and has two floors. 
On the ground floor there are mostly funny erotic pictures. Ambre has a great sense of humour. I think I've smiled every time I've visited her. 
Oh my God, she's witty!
The second floor features Ambre's SL photos, in which she stages herself in different situations and environments, as well as her ‘fake photos’, as I called them myself. 
She has taken photos of herself in the style of other painters, such as da Vinci or Salvatore Dali. 
You immediately recognise the style, but of course it's not Dali or da Vinci.
On the second floor there is also a space with a rezzer, with 13 different scenes. (...)

Ambre Singh: artistic expressionism in SL
Mars 2021

Ambre Singh has been active in Second Life since 2007. An artist for whom art is just as important as air for life.
In her creative work, she expresses a great deal of humour and often provokes with her images. Sometimes, all it takes is a little impulse, and the urge to express herself artistically arises.
With her art, she expresses opulent life and captures the soul and beauty of people and situations.
Ambre is very attracted to realism and academic art, to painters such as Bouguereau, Gérôme, Alma Tadema, etc.
Thanks to her great ability to capture the feelings of her surroundings and her visual skills, Ambre translates her ‘world of experience’ for us into her art.
Her mantra: ‘Sow beauty everywhere’. An artist who enriches Second Life with art and always follows the sage advice: ‘Be kind: the people you meet in SL are real people’.

Living in a Modem world
Ambre Singh: artistic expressionism in SL
Avril 2021

Ambre is an artist who uses photography, art, a sense of humour and general provocation in the way she gets the grey matter between the ears to start stirring thoughts.
She mixes direct Second Life photography - including her avatar, the characters she creates and her friends - with mixed-media works that combine images from the physical world with elements created in SL mixed with classical works to tell her own stories or to celebrate their original artists.
Her gallery space at Noir'Wen offers two wings set in a warehouse environment, one of which is dedicated to a permanent exhibition called The Pink Dildo, and the other offers a broader mix of Ambre's work, including the possibility of replaying past exhibitions - an innovative idea that I confess I've never encountered before. (...)
Engaging, rich in content, story and text, Ambre Singh's art is well worth a visit.

Art in Second Life
Ambre Singh Breaking the Spell Exhibition
Juin 2021

The first part of the exhibition is funny. It deals with the current situation in the world and the virus, but also with our invented lives, the flood of information and social media. You must obey! Get yourself a full-length condom and practise social distancing. It was a lot of fun.
The second part consists of 20 plates with Ambre's ideas and thoughts for breaking the spell, each illustrated with an image in Ambre Singh's typical funny, winking style. The text and thoughts tell a story, they make you think about your own story, the story you're supposed to believe.
‘Exercise: Imagine being told that you need strips of paper called money to survive on this planet. Consider it possible. Worry about running out, get angry. (...)
Thank you for another truly great exhibition that made me smile but also encouraged me to change my point of view and imagine another reality.

Lingua Franca
Ambre Singh, l’Expo de l’été
July 2021

Yes, our friend Ambre Singh is at it again, despite the holidays! Or rather because of the holidays!
Don't hesitate to have a look, it's always a pleasure for the eyes and as usual she makes us laugh and smile in a very pleasant way!

You'll also find links to her other not-to-be-missed exhibitions!
And to top it all off, she adorably ore visitors a superb painting! Thank you Ambre for this very kind attention!
So don't hesitate! Go and see her at: The lesbian Sisterhood Pira Targa, Pira Targa (68, 39, 66) - Adult
Great work Ambre and thank you! Kisses!

PPS: You can also leave her a note in her guest book, she's Swiss and also perfectly French-speaking!

Your Paulette.

NWN Blog

Ambre Singh, comic & conceptua imagesa
November 2021

This photo by Ambre Singh is cute, but when you add the title ‘Sitting on the Duck of the Bay’, it goes from cute to hilarious and memorable. 
It made me want to dive deeper into her art. 
She's not much for clothes, especially bras and shirts, and beach life gives her the freedom to live comfortably au naturel. 
However, being humorous doesn't take anything away from her artistry.
Ambre Singh's art first struck me as a bunch of fun photos of someone having a good time in Second Life with their friends. 
Lots of bare skin, affection and games. 
But beyond that first impression, I saw thoughtful commentary and clever humour.

To read the whole interview, go to Resources.

Art in Second Life
Ambre Singh Titilliations at Noir’Wen
February 2022

With the title ‘Titilliations’, needless to say, visitors are asked to be topless for the visit. You can leave your bra at the entrance if you forgot to take it off at home.
Ambre Singh wrote about ‘Titilliations’: (...) After intensive research in the archives of the Louvre's dusty cellars, it was discovered that Gabrielle d'Estrées' nipple was a prized possession and that many members of the court had the privilege of playing with it.
In a world first, here is the complete collection of works from the Fontainebleau school, illustrating the privileged few who had access to the noble nipple, but also revealing the fantasies that these privileged few harboured about the royal mistress's assets.’
The visit to the exhibition was a real laugh. Ambre did some funny scenes with many of her artist friends. I know some of them. 

Art in Second Life
Ambre Singh Past Masters Gallery
September 2022

The Past Masters gallery in Noir'Wen City covers 3 floors and is really packed with photos. I haven't counted them but there are about 30 to 40 pictures to see. Even a tourist is there taking photos of the paintings.
All the photos are based on real paintings and for each photo Amber provides the visitor with information about the original painter and often where the original is displayed (in RL). Ambre's particular style and wit allow her to see what might be hidden in these boring (to most people today) paintings - or what could be added to bring them into today's world.
Each image is amusing - and most are quite explicit. I was particularly excited by ‘The Mesh Clinic’, how funny. 
Or the crushed Icarus, a painting Ambre called ‘The parachute didn't work’.

Living in a Modem world
Art and a Rock in Second Life
May 2022

Its title might suggest something sexual or disturbing, but Penis Rock, a group show at Onceagain art gallery, really isn't - although it does feature an ‘Adult’ section and a slightly obscene rock formation outside the exhibition space.
The exhibition was inspired by a latticework rock formation that bears some resemblance to a certain male appendage. But rather than being intentionally obscene, the images presented are intended to be amusing.
The exhibition features images by Alex Amore, Alsatian Kidd, Ambre Singh, Crash Landers, Eupalinos Ugajin, Loony Perl, Jack in the box, Kika Yongho, Madoka Kawabata, Manoji Yachvili, Mara Telling, Zakk Bifrandt and Zedillo. 
As for the humour, I have to admit that I found two other pieces by Ambre that made me smile. All in all, a fun exhibition that shouldn't be taken too seriously, but in which the art is rich in content.

Art in Second Life
Ambre Singh, Cancel Culture
November 2022

In her invitation, Ambre writes: ‘Human beings are full of contradictions. Homo Sapiens (in Latin, sapiens means ‘he who knows’) spends a good part of his existence trying not to know. This tendency to deny, which is probably at the root of all psychoses, is the main activity of the ego. It's so much easier to deny, erase or eliminate what bothers us, even if it never works (...) 
This exhibition presents 14 world-famous works of art - seen through Ambre's eyes, and knowing her, I wasn't surprised that her point of view is perverse and feminist.
Along with the texts, Ambre Singh's photos tell a new story as well as real facts. As well as the Statue of Liberty, you'll rediscover the Great Sphinx, Christ the Redeemer, Manneken Pis, the Lincoln Memorial, the Venus de Milo, the Thinker, Michelangelo's David, the Ecstasy of St Teresa, the Angel of the North in Gateshead, and more.

My 15 minutes of fame

The photo shoot for Vanity Slair

Some interviews are available in full in the Resources section.