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The magic window

The scene takes place in the Middle Ages, in a castle. It is winter, the fire crackles in a fireplace. Around it, slumped in cushions, two lords with vast estates are drinking and plotting. They are looking for ways to annex new territories, to extend their power. Wine unlocks their imagination.

- The problem, says one of the lords, is that once a new territory is conquered, the people living there must still be enslaved. You have to make the people docile. We must convince them that revolt is useless, that to be safe they must serve us faithfully.

- Pffff, you're right, says the other. And even if they are totally subjugated, they still dream of freedom. We can't trust them. We'll have to find a trick...

- What trick? Do you have an idea?

- I don't know, we have to find a way to get them to come and beg us to take them as subjects.

- Damn, you're dreaming, but that's a good idea! And how would you go about turning these stubborn people into willing slaves?

- Well... practically, it's impossible... But ...

- But what?

- You'll laugh at me. I'd rather not say.

- No, I promise! We're both drunk so go ahead, tell me!

- I dreamed of installing a window in every house... A special kind of window: you wouldn't see the landscape around the house, but the images I would decide to show. That way, I could visit them several times a day. Each family could see and hear me. I would address everyone at the same time!

- Hahaha, you amuse me! And what would you say to them, through your magic window?

- I would persuade them that there is no better master than me, and offer them protection, sex and food in abundance. And in between my interventions, I would offer them stupid games to keep them busy.