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Various creations


Business tarot

In the 90s, I created a tarot for the corporate world. I thought that the awareness of employees could improve the quality of the company. I was wrong on this one: business has absorbed (and neutralised) spirituality to make sharks more efficient.

Below, the tarot of business cards.



tarot creer

Your reality is a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, expectations, worries and objectives.

If your lose sight of the central role your thoughts plays, a reactive process takes place, and you waste your energy to correct distorted situatons. Rather than creating your life, you become the puppet of circumstances.

If you prefer to manage your life rather than to be managed by it, you have to keep your mind vigilant and consciously choose the contents of your consciousness.

You already create your reality. If you fully recognise it, you stop to blame circumstances for your own mistakes and develop a healthy relationship with the universe.


tarot creer

Did you ever noticed how much you limit the field of possibilities in your professionnal or private life?

Your preconceived ideas, thought systems and habits suffocate your imagination.

Yet your survival and that of your organisation directly depend on your imagination.

Any concrete result first has to be imagined.

By placing yourself outside of a specific reality where every event has its own case, you allow new ideas to spring out instead of labelling them right away.

All is possible.

Opening up

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You juggle with priorities, meetings, subordinates' urgent questions and your own duties and responsabilities. You feel the need to clear up your mind, but files piles up on your desk. When you find a peaceful moment, you prefer to divert yourself.

Yet you have to keep a fresh eye on your activities and environment. You have to bring in new ideas .

You need an external ear and eye, a mirror- presence. To give you feedback and, above all, to enrich you by the sharing of new perspectives.


tarot creer

“I know there's something wrong, but I just can't put my finger on it!.”

Some solutions seems so obvious that you simply don't see them. Certain sources of disharmony have become so familiar to you that you no longer notice they're here and you “put up with them”.  If you totted them all up, what percentage of inertia would they amount to?

Revealing the hidden aspects of a situation can lead you to dramatic saving in time, money and nerves. It's often all that's needed to clear the blocked channels in a structure.


tarot creer

Your company is like an iceberg. You think you know it, but you only see the - small - visible part. Beneath the surface often lie the answers to your problems, but above all, the seeds of its future, its logic and its vocation.

What is the ‘DNA’ of your organisation or project? Its strengths? Its weaknesses? In a fast-changing world, it's essential to know what a structure is all about: it's the only fixed data on which you can build...

Prepare yourself well for this exploration: it is likely to set in motion all the levels of reality in your organisation.


tarot creer

Our vision of the world, our perceptions of ourselves, our techniques and organisational systems are changing faster and faster. The mechanistic view of reality on which our thought systems and societies are based is crumbling under our eyes.

Companies, organisations institutions and governments must stop to set objectives, plannings and developments in terms of the past, because yesterday's models are no more adapted to today's challenges. In order to elaborate long term strategies, we have to integrate a new world view and a new awareness.

For you, what are the new parameters that could allow us to really built the future?


tarot creer

Interrelation, interconnexion, synergy, relation-ships... Today, these words resonate everywhere.

Yet, between these concepts and practice in the everyday life, there is a huge gulf waiting to be filled. On our planet as in the organisation, the reflex to separate is still dominant. By separating, we cut ourselves off from meaning and shirk our responsabilities.

Everything is interelated: on our planet as in the company, individual and social responsability manifests if the relationships between the individual, the environment, the structures and the acts are highlighted.

How do you relate that to your experience?


tarot creer

Human beings, technics, markets and products are changing. New needs demands adaptations in many fields:

- Human habits and understanding
- Organisation, production and selling systems
- Market strategies - Use of technology - Social systems

Often, we transform methods we suppose inadapted to our needs rather than recognizing the need to shift our perspective!


tarot creer

Today, changes are more numerous, more sudden and more urgent, especially in the case of thought systems, world views, collective and individual behaviors.

However, resistance to change often makes these changes difficult and painful.

Thus, it is imporant to facilitate the shift from one state to another, from a system to another, from a level of awareness to another: in fact, it may be crucial for the evolution of a structure or collectivity.


tarot creer

Are you making the best out of your aptitudes? How and where do you invest your attention? What is the return on investment of your organisation? Are you satisfied with your situation and that of your structure?

Between the actual performance of a sector, product or service and what you think it shoud be, there is stocked energy and opportunity for development.

Any thing that we create deserve our attention and appreciation: a company, an organisation, a service or a product are works of art.

Do some unfinished works of art come to your mind?


tarot creer

“We will have a busy week, because this opportunity has cropped up”, two types of reactions shows up: some people's eyes light up, and others heave a sigh.

The ”sighers” have lost their sense of play. They are bored, and boring!

Introducing play into daily activities unlocks a new dimension and stimulates interest.

Stultifying habits give way to carefree enjoyment, eagerness and enthusiasm. Life is beautiful!


tarot creer

When you have identified and named the source of a disfunction, half of the problem is solved.

When you have discovered to what you identify with, the other half of the problem is solved.

Confusion and paradoxes comes out of the incapacity to set priorities and make choices. To choose, one needs to have distinct and recognisable elements in ones possession. Grappling with a problem, chewing it over and over and identifying with it merely aggravates the situation.

If you are aware that a problem exists but don't quite know how to tackle with it, first identify what you identfy with...


tarot creer

With the development of communications, the world has become a village. The planetary consciousness rises, values transforms, old systems are dying, employment undergoes a deep change and the environment is dammaged.

All these crises call for the development of a global ecology, applied in each domain of human activity, individualy and collectively.

In any harmonious ecosystem, recycling plays a major role. To guarantee our evolution and survival, we must go beyond blind consummation – I use and throw away – and give a new attention to the beings and things we are linked to.

Throwing away

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Our relationship with the act of throwing away is quite paradoxal. On one hand, we cherish beliefs, attitudes, methods and informations that dramatically hinder our development and that of our structures, and on the other hand we have become very proficient at throwing away anything that might bother us, instead of regarding it as a potential source of enrichment.

In a system in which we throw money out of the windows, we still hang on to our archaic ways of behaving.

Where's the logic? Why should we throw away, what, where and how? And what should we salvage ?


tarot creer

Everybody is around the conference table. Some decisions have to be taken, yet each person defends his or her reality. There is no coherence. Many levels of awareness coexist, but communication doesn't go through.

You have learned to develop an horizontal expertise in a given frame of reference. But educational systems didn't find it useful to learn you to navigate verticaly through levels of consciousness.

To let an authentic synergy emerge from the present patchwork of ambiguities of most human groups, you must learn to navigate through levels of reference.


tarot creer

Do you have the feeling your activities or projects have reached a ceiling?

Do you feel inadequacies between your potential of development and your present situation?

In human relationships as well as with projects or producs, one can use up the energy of a level of reality. It manifests through lack of interest and inertia.

It doesn't always mean you have to abandon, but that the situation needs to be reconsidered from a vaster and more integrative perspective. Then, a new meaning can arise, along with a new interest, an energy of another order. A shift from one octave to another.


tarot creer

What is your relationship with the following words?

•Work •Love •Need •God

Each of us interprets reality differently, according to our personal experience and culture. Then, identified to these interpretations, we fight for them as if they were our very life.

By dint of rationalising, we have atrophied our perceptions. We have compartimentalised, fragmented and divised reality, and as a result, cut ourselves off from the global purpose of events. We have transformed complementarities into polar conflicts.

We are more than strolling intellects. We are also energetic beings, interrelated with all of life. Coupled with resonance, reasoning can become a fruitful tool.


tarot creer

Humanity has entered a mutation process of such a depth that the constitutive psychological models of the human being begin to break up. Rooted in different logics, new definitions of the human being starts to show up.

To survive this change, companies, organisations and governments must change as well, transpose their raisons d'être, their logics, objectives and systems on another level of reality inspired with a new understanding of the human being and the Cosmos.

As fast as possible: the tidal wave doesn't wait.

Are you ready to be born anew in a vaster definition of yourself?


tarot creer

What do you think about power? In your activities, are you often fighting adverse circumstances? To what kind of limitations are you coming up against? Did you chose them freely?

Do you consider power as something you need to get – or delegate – to manipulate the environment, or as a natural and innate expression of your creative being?

In the first case, relationships and situations tends to be complex and conflictual. That's jungle... In the second case, relationships and situations tends to be simple and spontaneously harmonious: emergence of a fundamental respect.


tarot creer

Each and every day, you have to make choices. Do you really choose?

Or do you let circumstances dictate your choices?

There is only one way to make a choice, but there is numerous ways to avoid choosing. The inaptitude to make clear choices leads to confusion, chronic uncertainty and lack of meaning. The being gets stiff and insipid, less and less alive.

By making a choice, you channel considerable energy in a given direction. You opt for a particular possible within an infinity of other possibles. You put yourself in the center of your life.

Being alive 

tarot creer

Your life is a work of art.

You are unique. Your qualities are unique, and you have unlimited creativity to make them flourish. You are here to appreciate and give expression to your beauty through your activities and responsabilities.

But how much do you resist to what you are?

To what an extend do you let circumstances model your life and define what you are?

Are you really alive? Do you really appreciate your life and activities?

The contribution you can bring to your environment, company and planet is irreplaceable.