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The butterfly grows impatient


Not everyone likes it, but metamorphosis is part of life. In fact, today's world is one big cocoon, filled with humans caterpillars  who, worried about their future, use every conceivable stratagem to preserve their larval state. It's a lost battle, you can never win a fight against Life. The chysalis is disintegrating, and in a few generations there will be nothing left of it.

Humanity has probably never before been faced with such major challenges, like so many harbingers of a collective awakening. One major challenge sums them all up: the atmosphere in the cocoon is becoming unbreathable, and we have to get out. We must abandon the toxic habits of history and leave the known behind.

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Our sense of existence, our languages and therefore our ways of thinking, our belief systems, our behaviour, our relationships with others and with all living things, are all contained in a vast narrative bubble. Reality' is made up of our ideas about the world. We have only a vague idea of who we are outside the bubble – outside our concepts. We only know what we know.

Today, the known is saturated, the crysalis full to bursting. Every attempt to resolve a crisis in the cocoon provokes an avalanche of new crises, ever more acute and absurd.

None of these crises can be resolved with current systems of understanding. All are incentives to explore new understandings and new potentials offered to the human species. The caterpillars have reached a dead end. To get over the obstacle and continue on their way, they need to grow wings.



Here are a few examples. In the still dominant state of consciousness :

iconenoyadeThere is no way out of ecological crises. We are multiplying technological gimmicks to solve the problems caused by technology. Our last green spaces will soon be dumping grounds for clean electric car batteries, fields of ethical solar panels and data farms to store the memories accumulated in our sustainable connected devices and to manufacture ethical bitcoins. We are tinkering with genetic and technical expedients to repair the damage caused by industrialisation. In the great state battles against CO2, we forget that plants have been doing this very well since the dawn of time. We want to solve the Earth's problems with the mentality that hurts the Earth.
iconenoyadeOnce the notion of collective well-being will have replaced the phobia of individual survival and greed, we will learn to work with Life, and the biosphere will heal itself.


Of course, there is no way out of economic crises. At the moment, the global economy is based on exploiting the greatest number of people to enrich an elite, creating conflicts when self-interest demands it and plundering the Earth's resources. This ‘exchange’ model can only work in a community driven by fear, where obedience and victimhood predominate.
iconenoyadeOnce we understand that collective abundance is infinitely more fulfilling than the impoverishment caused by private property and the accumulation of power, speculation, corruption and many other evils will disappear. True wealth is sharing.


Ideological crises obviously have no way out. Whether political, religious or social, ideologies can only function thanks to the perceptual illusions active in the narrative bubble, the most harmful of which is the hallucination of separation. These systems of thought will disintegrate along with the chrysalis. It's already started.
iconenoyadeIn the not-too-distant future, rigid systems of thought and organised religions will disappear. Individual creativity and fulfilment will be respected and encouraged, seen as integral to the community.


Communities are in full decay. Sponsored by the big international organisations and in order to save the Empire, states are creeping ever further into the private sphere, gnawing away at people's freedom, codifying social and family behaviour, regulating the use of our bodies and standardising our ideas. Driven by the media, the woke movement exacerbates separate identities and makes them ever more confused: alpha males, non-binary, LGBTQI+. In vain. The current notion of identity is at the end of its tether.
iconenoyadeThe hypnotic hold of these old models is disappearing, the reflexes of obedience (or disobedience) to external authorities are dissolving. As the concept of separate identity causes ever greater misery, new ways of existing will emerge, based on the ‘we’, on the unity of all life. The development of the individual and the community will become inseparable.


To sum up: these crises are surface tremors caused by a much deeper earthquake: the emergence of a new understanding of ourselves and the universe.

Stop repairing the crysalis


The crumbling of the historical world, which more and more people are sensing, heralds the next stage in human evolution. The emergence of a new paradigm is not going to happen overnight, it will take a few generations. We probably won't see this new world in this lifetime, but the metamorphosis has begun. We can see the effects all around us.

What will we be like once we have detoxed from the insane worldviews that have shaped our past? What will the world look like when we emerge from the chrysalis?

Each of us is a facet of the cosmic consciousness that animates the universe. By removing the historical lenses that atrophy our understanding, we can discover a few glimpses of Life's future plans. Explore within yourself what gives you the most joy, probe that sense of belonging to the Whole, seek what you most deeply aspire to, pull on that thread and see what comes.

A few leads are emerging:

iconenoyadeA sign that the spell is weakening is that the children of the new generation are less and less affected by historical emotions. They no longer resonate with victimhood. They react less and less to authority and manipulation. At present, the world is shaped by the collective emotions of frightened masses, but without fuel, these emotions will die out. For the moment, the community runs on fear, so we can expect a period of floating, of crossing no mans land. Once freed from the influence of the cocoon, the world will experience peace and harmony.

iconenoyadeIn the historical software, we conceive of ourselves as entities separate from others and from the universe. Outside the crysalis, our sense of existence will be based on the ‘we’. The ‘I’ will find its meaning and richness thanks to the collective. The idea that an emotion belongs to someone will seem absurd. Emotions will become a collective landscape, cultivated by the community. Similarly, the notion of patenting an invention will become unthinkable. New ideas will be automatically shared and will contribute to our collective well-being and fulfilment.

iconenoyadeStill in the historical software, yin and yang are perceived as polarities in conflict. Women and men are separated, both in the individual and in the community. Society demands absolute submission to this stereotypical male-female division, which has caused - and still causes - immense suffering. Trapped in mind-numbing gender roles, we have perpetuated the same neuroses down the centuries. Today, these patterns have become stifling. Gradually, with the dissolution of historical illusions, this conflict will be resolved, finally allowing the inner union of yin and yang. Sexuality will take on a sacred dimension, children will be consciously chosen and the world's population will naturally decrease.

iconenoyadeWith the breakdown of the current paradigm, our relationship with death will change profoundly. Without the blinkers of history, we will establish new dialogues with other kingdoms, species and dimensions. Our DNA will unfold, releasing an immense potential hitherto known as junk DNA... By rediscovering our immortal soul memory, we will be better able to appreciate the richness of human life and find our place in the great cosmic symphony.

iconenoyadeMore prosaically, once freed from the debilitating influence of the historical straightjacket, we will make immense progress in all areas. Purged of our parasitic behaviours, we will discover new ways of collaborating with Life. Free energy will transform our societies. Freed from the vampiric yoke of the multinationals, medicine will become a multidimensional art in the service of human fulfilment. We will print the objects we need locally, using models available on the network. And to add a touch of utopia, we will dismantle all our antennae and communicate via the network that links every atom in the universe. We'll dismantle our rockets and learn to respectfully bend space-time to reach distant destinations.


The big question ‘Are we alone in the Universe’ is a good illustration of the blindness of the historical paradigm. We need only observe nature on our small planet to discover an extraordinary diversity of living beings, each conscious in their own way, and interconnected. An Intention, a cosmic Intelligence, orchestrates these marvels, and it's unlikely this Intelligence has limited its field of activity to planet Earth. A great cosmic work of art is being created, of which we are both the artists and the materials.

From this perspective, we are discovering that the disintegration of the historical cocoon is a preparation, an indispensable update before continuing on an extraordinary journey.

To hasten this happy metamorphosis, let's stop repairing the crysalis!

The butterfly is getting impatient...

Alain-Yan Mohr, août 2024



The experiment that could transform your world is based on the fundamental idea that you create your personal and collective reality from the nature of your beliefs, that all existence is blessed and that evil does not exist. If these ideas were adopted individually and collectively, then the evidence of your physical senses would not be contradicted. They would perceive that the world is good. This is the experiment that has not yet been tried. These are the truths you must learn.
- Seth



If you like what I've said above, but you're a bit worried about the consequences of the bubble bursting, I've put together a number of resources in the ‘Awakening’ section of this site.

Explore the waking up section



30 years earlier...

30 years ago, I published an open letter to volunteer prisoners. I reread it while refreshing this site. I had no idea that its content was downright prophetic.

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Dear incarcerated,

Even in your worst nightmares, you would never have imagined that one day your prison would shrink to the point where there remained no other solution for you but to escape. And you had arranged things so well. Your work, your hobbies, your insurances, your social position, your philosophical or religious options, everything seemed so stable, solid, secure, there for eternity. 

To guarantee the stability and the continuity of your penitentiary reality, you handed over the keys of your destiny to the competent authorities, elected for their respect for the prison environment. You entrusted your health to doctors and to the large pharmaceutical groups. You entrusted the management of your life to economists and to the banks, the definition of your reality to scientists, to religious leaders or to the merchants of light. 

To eliminate any remaining anxieties, you added policies for insurance and retirement. And to ensure the perenity of this oasis of security, you entrusted the education of your children to the public authorities. 

You really could not have done more to guarantee the survival of the system. All it needed was to stay inside, you thought with all your might; all it needed was to ignore the external reality and everything could continue as before. 

But the impossible, the unthinkable, the unexpected happened, exactly where you least expected it. The prison that you built with the force of desperation has become inhabitable. It has shrunk a little more each day. The maintenance costs of the prison do not allow for maintenance of the prisonners. The costs of health have constantly increased, making you even more ill. The cost of living has increased along with unemployment. For less and less comfort, you have been obliged to pay more and more. Cocooned in your cells, you have seen people who should not exist come to knock at your doors to obtain bits of the cozy forgetfulness that you have so carefully cultivated. Incapable of accepting the bankrupcy of your system, you have redoubled your efforts, you have voted for the introduction of the VAT, elected the most famous defenders of the system which guarantees the freedom to be a prisoner, hoping fiercely that all might become as before. 

But the walls of the prison are cracking. They are shrinking inwards inexorably. They allow life to steep in with its collection of uncertainties, of upsets, of obcene exuberance. You have tried to plug the leaks by donating to charities. A wasted effort. The prison is still shrinking. 

Finally, the prison has shrunk so small that it disappear from your sight. You have looked everywhere for the familiar and reassuring sight of a wall, of bars. Nothing remains. But you know that it exists, you feel its atmosphere, its limits. Disoriented, you begin to question yourself. You realize that the prison has been changed into a cage, lying within yourself, and that you were inside the cage. Anxiety kept you inside, the cage shrank. The anxiety changed into pure fear which filled your consciousness, shrinking the cage relentlessly. Suddenly understanding, you become rigid, not daring to breathe even in thought, for fear of being crushed by the bars of the cage. 

From that moment, you are transfixed. Gradually, thanks to your humor, the cage is changed, its texture becomes thread-like like a chrysalis. From your deepest recesses, bubbles of childhood long denied rise to pop at the surface of your consciousness: bubbles of exuberance, of freedom from care, of creativity, of freedom, of mischievous sensuality. Astounded, you realize that nothing will ever be the same as before. 

Alain-Yan Mohr, 1994



old photoIt's an old photo - Gary Larsson


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1996 Basse-Nendaz, Switzerland
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